Ajanta Caves - Reviews From Travellers
★5.03 Reviews
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What travellers say about Ajanta Caves
This 30 Buddhist cave monuments which dates back to 2nd century which was located in the centre of a dense forest. Private vehicle was not allowed, so we should take the msrtc bus for 4kilometers through the dense forest. The caves are quiet interesting, because of the sculptures and the paintings inside the caves. Some of the caves are incomplete and there is also a beautiful waterfalls and a viewpoint in the top of the hill.
This 30 magnificent caves which are arranged in ajanta are built around 2nd century. It was located in the centre of a forest and hills. The caves are very colourful inside and there is a waterfall and a viewpoint in the top of the hill. Private vehicles are not allowed inside the forest.we should take the msrtc bus to reach th caves.
This 30magnificient rockcut Buddhistcave monuments are built around the second century AD. It is located in the centre of a forest. Private vehicles are not allowed inside this forest. So we should take the Msrtc bus to reach this caves. The caves are arranged in the side of a huge hill and they are all in a uniform line manner. The caves include paintings and rock-cut sculptures described as among the finest surviving examples of ancient Indian art.
Know more about Ajanta Caves
Ajanta CavesAjanta caves are 30 rockcut Buddhist cave monuments which date from the 2nd century BCE to about 480 CE in Aurangabad. The caves include paintings and rock-cut sculptures described as among the finest surviving examples of ancient Indian art, particularly expressive paintings that present emotion through gesture, pose and form. This is a UNESCO world heritage site.