Ezharakund Waterfalls - Reviews From Travellers
★5.01 Reviews
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What travellers say about Ezharakund Waterfalls
Series of waterfalls along a stream. There are seven large, and one smaller crevice in the stream thereby giving it the name Ezharakund Waterfall(Seven and a half crevice waterfal). The largest of them is right under the tallest fall of the series of falls, it is 15 feet deep.
You cant swim in most places as it is dangerous and the entry is blocked using steel rails. There is a history of people loosing lives here and you could see that easily once there. There are two pools where you can swim, with life guards watching.
In order to reach the tallest falls, one has to walk along the river for about 1.5 kilometers. The walk is pretty easy, no steep climbs.
Know more about Ezharakund Waterfalls
Ezharakund WaterfallsLocated near to the famous Paithalmala of Kannur, Ezharakund Waterfalls consists of a series of waterfalls along a stream, with rocky pits of varying sizes and depths underneath every fall. A hike along the stream give visitors access to all the falls, and pools for swimming.