Devil's Tear - Reviews From Travellers
★5.01 Reviews
★★★★★ (1)
Good★★★★ (0)
Average★★★ (0)
Poor★★ (0)
Terrible★ (0)
What travellers say about Devil's Tear
An impressive show of Mother Nature’s power, it reminded us why you don’t want to mess with her! After the crash if the waves against the rocks, you see a huge spray and then what looks like dozens of mini waterfalls cascading down back into the water.
It also have some epic tide pools and if you are an adrenaline seeker, there are even some cliff jump opportunities.
Know more about Devil's Tear
Devil's TearWell known for it's tide pools and sunset views. Gigantic waves continously smashes the rocky coves here creating massive explosions resulting in widespread ocean mist aka "Devil's Tears". Has a history of people getting killed/ missing by the strong waves.