43 Lake/ River/ Ponds to Explore in Germany
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Lake/ River/ Ponds to Explore in Germany
Aasee LakeIt is a 40.2-hectare lake located in Münster with a length of 2.3 km. The lake is surrounded by a huge green space, making it the largest recreational area in the city of Munster.
Alster LakesAlster Lakes are two artificial lakes in Hamburg, and the lakes are surrounded by trees and green gardens that offer stunning views that give you a place to relax away from the hustle and bustle of the city. The lake is also famous for its water sports activities, and it is an ideal place for cycling.
Babelsberg ParkThis 114-hectare park is located in the north-east of Potsdam, bordering on the Tiefen See lake on the River Havel. It was declared as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1990. The park was created in rolling terrain sloping down towards the lake.
BilleBille is a small, slow-flowing German river in Stormarn, which was a right tributary of the Elbe. It is one of three rivers which flow through the city of Hamburg, the other two being the Elbe and the Alster. Its natural beauty and the pure water attract a lot of tourists here and a lot of old estates and tasteful parks are laid out along its riverbank. Its total length is 65 km.
Blauer SeeThe Blue Lake is an artificial lake between Hüttenrode and Rübeland in the Harz Mountains, not far from Bundesstraße 27. The lake was created as part of mining activities in this region. It is located in the conservation area resin and Northern Harz region and in the Harz nature park. It was classified as a valuable geotope by the State Office for Geology and Mining and is now used for geotourism.
BlautopfLiterally translated to "Blue pot", it is a spring that serves as the source of the river Blau. It is a drain for the Blau cave system, originating from a funnel-like shape with a depth of 21 metres (69 ft). The water's peculiarly blue color, varying in intensity depending on weather and flow, is the result of physical properties of the nanoscale limestone particles densely distributed in the water.
Elbe-Havel CanalElbe-Havel Canal is a navigable waterway in Germany, linking the Elbe and Havel rivers. Its eastern end joins the Plauensee, a lake on the Havel River, at Brandenburg, downstream from Berlin. This Canal is 56 km long and has three locks. With a depth of 2 meters, it can accommodate vessels of up to 1,000 tons.
English GardenA large public park at the center of Munich. It is one of the largest urban public parks in the world.
Franco-german gardenThis 50-hectare park provides wide choices for visitors to relax and enjoy. It has a beautiful lake, and it offers an ideal opportunity for a great walk. There is also a wide selection of cafés and restaurants in the area, offering everything from snacks, coffee, and cake to small meals and three-course dinners.
GeiseltalseeThe Geiseltalsee is a residual open pit lake in southern Saxony-Anhalt. The lake was created in the course of recultivation measures in the former Geiseltal lignite mining area northeast of Müelte. With almost 19 square kilometers, it is the largest artificial lake in Germany, is one of the ten most water-rich lakes in Germany, and is the largest body of water in the Central German Lake District. Together with other lakes to the southeast, it forms the Geiseltaler lake complex.
Geltinger BirkThe Geltinger Birk has been a nature reserve on the Schleswig-Holstein Baltic Sea since 1986. It is located - northeast of Gelting - mainly in the area of the municipality of Nieby on the Geltinger Bucht at the exit of the Flensburg Fjord. With an area of around 773 hectares, the nature reserve in the Geltinger Bay and on a peninsula is the largest in the Schleswig-Flensburg district. The area belongs to the Schleswig-Holstein Nature Conservation Foundation.
Großer GoitzscheseeThe Große Goitzschesee is the largest lake in the lake area, which emerged from the former Goitzsche opencast lignite mine in Saxony-Anhalt . The open-cast mine is part of the Bitterfeld mining area . The northeast bay near Mühlbeck is called the Amber Lake.
Großer Plöner SeeThe Große Plöner See, also just Plöner See, is the largest lake in Schleswig-Holstein and the tenth-largest lake in Germany with a good 28 km². It extends southwest of the city of Plön, which lies on its bank. With a lake area of 28 km² and a depth of up to 56 m, the lake, which lies entirely in the Holstein Switzerland Nature Park, is the largest and deepest in Schleswig-Holstein.
KellerseeThe Kellersee is a lake in Holstein Switzerland. It lies east of Malente in the course of the Schwentine, is 560 hectares in size, up to 27 m deep and is about 24 m above sea level. NN . To the southeast of the lake is the Eutin district of Fissau , on the north bank the district of Sielbeck. It is managed by the Schwarten fishery. This also runs a small restaurant directly on the lake shore.
Kulkwitzer SeeThe Kulkwitzer See is a lake in the Central German Lake District, which emerged from two former brown coal opencast mining areas southwest of Leipzig. From 1864 coal was mined here, initially underground and from 1937 in open-cast mining. The two remaining open pit holes were flooded from 1963 and opened as a recreational area in 1973.
KurparkThis is a public park in Wiesbaden center, stretching from the Wilhelmstraße to the southern borders of Sonneberg district and lying directly behind the Kurhaus convention center. The Kurpark was created in 1852 as an English landscape park, and it includes a lake with rental boats and a 6-meter high fountain.